Friday, September 16, 2011


Jon Solomon has an interesting article out this morning concerning the NCAA's non-existent investigation that is being conducted as we speak.  We give Jay Jacobs credit; he can spin a story like a DJ spins a record.  We love his quote that reviewing the Barn's institutional control is normal procedure, as if there's nothing to worry about.  That's like saying the police serving a search warrant to search a robbery suspect's house is no big deal because it's standard procedure.  Or, we're just putting this convicted felon in jail because it's standard procedure.  The point he's trying to cover up is that the Barn is in fact under investigation.

We can't wait to hear our Barner friends continue to deny that there is a current, ongoing investigation into their beleaguered beloved program.  Cue the NTY Foundation's boycott of the week.  We're not sure Solomon's career will be able to take the dozens of letters from crazed Barners calling for his head.  But if you think about it, shouldn't the NTY boycott Jacobs? After all, he's the one that admitted the NCAA investigation.  This should be a fun story to watch.

The Tide and Tiger - A blog covering the best and worst of Auburn and Alabama football and other sports.

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